Party of One...
in Your Pocket!

Do you have what it takes to survive the depths of the Undermountain? Alone?

If so, then pack your gear, strap on your shield, explore  labyrinthine corridors and battle unimaginable foes to steal the greedy Dragon’s treasure.

This dungeon is hardcore and it doesn’t have a safe word!

Dark&Under is a new exciting game for ARDUBOY ™ in gorgeous 128x64 pixels 1 bit resolution.

When adventure knocks at your door, there is no knowing where your feet will take you.

Download the game

Art & Design

Cyril Guichard

Code & Editor

Simon Holmes



How to Play?

Explore the Undermountain maze with the directional buttons. You may occasionally stumble upon helpful items that you can store and manage in your 3-slots inventory.

When encountering a monster, you will be taken to the combat screen: you can attack, or try to defend yourself, or even use potions and magic spells to defeat your foes.

As you triumph over your enemies, you will gain experience and level-up, making you more powerful than ever.

Download the level Editor

About Arduboy

Arduboy is a miniature game system the size of a credit card. It comes installed with a classic 8-bit game and can be reprogrammed from a library of open source games available online. Arduboy is open source so you can learn to code and create your own games.
